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 / Botulinumtoxin therapy. Dos and don’ts

Botulinumtoxin therapy. Dos and don’ts

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Botulinumtoxin therapy is called the procedure of “lunch time”, it takes short time to perform - About 15 minutes. And it doesn’t require anesthesia. The purpose of this procedure is wrinkles prevention and correction. And it doesn’t need any special preparation. However, don’t think it’s too simple.

In Pharmacology the botulintoxin A belongs to the group of miorelaxants. That’s why it can be used not only for wrinkle correction, but also for certain treatments in ophthalmology , for example nictitating spasm and squint etc. It’s used in many fields of medicine.
First of all, it must be done by a professional. There can be the risk of anafilactic shock or allergic reaction during or after procedure. And only doctors can help patients if such problem occurs.

Secondly, patients should feel good, without any diseases by the time of procedure. They should exclude the following before procedure:
  • Aspirin. It increases microcirculation , that’s why it can increase the risk of oedema.
  • Antibiotics. 2 weeks before and after procedure . Tetracycline and Eritramitin can increase the effect of botulinum toxin A.
  • Vitamins B. Especially in injections. They neutralize the effect from botulinum toxin A. They are used as antidote.
  • Vaccination. It increase the risk of allergy . Vaccination must be done one month before the procedure.
  • Botulinum toxin A isn’t allowed for pregnant women and women in lactic period as there is no information about clinical researches.
  • Take a good care of yourself and go only to professionals.

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